Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ultimate Reset

I've been thinking about doing the Reset for a while now and was really nervous about how I would handle the food, since I am hypoclycemic. I actually spoke with Darin today! (The co-creator) He eased my worries and assured me that I was not the first to have concerns. Many people that have hypoglycemia have done the Reset and it has reversed and corrected itself because it allows the endocrine system to balance itself. Needless to say - I'M IN!!! I CAN'T WAIT!! I'll be starting mid-March after Insanity is over and would love support! I'll be starting a challenge group to d it with me, so let me know if you're interested or have any questions. I'm SO EXCITED!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Great book!  I would highly recommend it!  "People with clear, written-out goals who consistently honor their defined priorities tend to get results faster than others and enjoy a greater level of happiness and long-term success in all areas of life"

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


There's is one particular exercise that you should incorporate into your routine whether you are trying to lose weight or build muscle - SQUATS. Make sure you keep your abs tight, head and chest up, and a flat back. As you are coming out of the squat, you should focus on squeezing your glutes. Squats work the largest muscle in your body, and muscle burns fat, so START SQUATTING! Start with 25 a day and work your way up. You can even challenge yourself and increase the burn by holding weights. How many squats have you done today?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

TurboFire is awesome because whether you can dedicate 15 minutes a day or 55, you can still get a great workout in.  Chalene and the music are super motivating and I always feel better once I've worked out!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Holiday Shakeology

My favorite shake right now is the Candy Cane surprise. I use about 8oz of water and 4 oz of unsweetened almond milk.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Droid X is awesome so far......

I still have to learn all the ins and outs but its good for now. I wish you could add multiple tones for different alerts and have yet to figure out the damn alarm clock (woke up late). I am LOVING the huge ass screen! Feel free to leave me some tips and tricks as I sure could use em.